Dog Articles

Giving Thanks Happily

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, every kind of casserole you can imagine, gravy and cranberries – oh my goodness - never ending amounts of delicious food! Once again, it’s that wonderful time of year. Thanksgiving!! We gather at this time with our friends and families to relax from our busy schedules and celebrate all the things [...]

Giving Thanks Happily

Mani Pedi Anyone?

You wouldn’t think trimming your dog's nails would cause such angst, but it does.  Most humans and their furry friends dread the nail trimming process.  I must admit, I was once fortunate enough to have a dog that would sit and give me each of her paws to have her tails trimmed.  It was amazing.  [...]

Mani Pedi Anyone?

139 Westminster Best In Show

139th Westminster Kennel Club famously displayed another year of fantastic dogs, handlers, breeders and spectators. I'll get right to the point before talking a bit about my favourite group, "the working dog group". Best in show produced 7 dogs up for judging from all groups. The famous Portuguese Water Dog , Matise, 39 best in [...]

139 Westminster Best In Show

Deck the Halls With Fake and Stay Safe

Decorating for the holidays can be a lot of fun. Garland strewn banters, wreath decorated doors, sparking Christmas trees, vibrant Poinsettias, Mistletoe dangling in doorways, all make for a warm and inviting environment.  It really is a very exciting and fun time of year, but please, in all the decorating excitement,  do not forget to [...]

Deck the Halls With Fake and Stay Safe

The ice is upon us!

We have reached the time of year when we step outside and everything freezes.  We enlist several tactics to fight against the freeze and try to protect ourselves from slip and falls and vehicle slip and not-stops.  Our sidewalks, walkways, driveways and in some cases even our lawns, are generously covered with ice melters in [...]

The ice is upon us!

Keeping Your Dog’s Bed Clean

You want your pet, and family friend to be comfortable & happy. Choosing Mammoth dog beds ensures their optimum comfort on a bed that’s easy to maintain and clean for years to come! On that note, we know it is important to you to keep your dog’s bed clean. Just like human furniture, the dog’s [...]

Keeping Your Dog’s Bed Clean