139 Westminster Best In Show

139th Westminster Kennel Club famously displayed another year of fantastic dogs, handlers, breeders and spectators. I'll get right to the point before talking a bit about my favourite group, "the working dog group". Best in show produced 7 dogs up for judging from all groups. The famous Portuguese Water Dog , Matise, 39 best in [...]

139 Westminster Best In Show

Best In Show 137th Westminster Dog Show

Not surprising that this little Affenpinscher stole the show. He is studly, very rare, monkey face, excellent coat, and dazzle the audience and judges with confidence. I had an educated assumption that this dog could possibly win. Congratulations to GCH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari. Born in 2003, breeder Mieke Cooymans. Runner up was of [...]

Best In Show 137th Westminster Dog Show