Mystery Of The Chupacabra

Sightings abound of a four-legged, hairless, fanged monster that kills and sucks the blood, and sometimes milk, from livestock in the United States and Latin America. Its name chupacabra literally means "goat sucker." There is, in fact, a real monster behind the sightings, but it has eight legs, measures at most 0.02 inches (0.5 millimeters) [...]

Mystery Of The Chupacabra

Coywolf – New Breed Of Wolf

Bigger then coyotes, smaller then wolves. Coywolf is not hard to pick out from Coyotes. "They are larger, both in terms of body size and skull dimension,". Their skulls are especially wide compared with their length. Male coywolves are larger than females, while coyotes are not. Coywolves also tend to be more variable in terms [...]

Coywolf – New Breed Of Wolf