Meet the Needs of Your Large Breed Dog with the Right Bed

Large Dog Breeds Have Unique Needs. It hasn’t always been easy to find a reliable dog bed manufacturer that caters to large breeds. Many pet owners who didn’t know their options would find themselves buying dog beds for medium dogs even though their pup was a large or extra-large breed. Without [...]

Meet the Needs of Your Large Breed Dog with the Right Bed

At Mammoth We Love All Dogs & Have A Right Bed For Any Breed

Spotlight On The Old English Mastiff: Support Your Extra Large Dog With An Extra Large Mammoth The Old English Mastiff is one of our favourite gentle giants, typically coming in at a weight of over 200lbs once reaching adulthood! They are symbols of canine grandeur while also being good natured, and docile. If you [...]

At Mammoth We Love All Dogs & Have A Right Bed For Any Breed

Orthopedic Beds Make The Perfect Holiday Gift For An Old Dog

How To Make Your Old Dog Happy This Holiday Season You might notice this time the holidays roll around that your older dog has slowed down since last winter, spends a bit more time dozing and a bit less time moving around your home. They might be hard of hearing or afflicted with poorer eyesight, [...]

Orthopedic Beds Make The Perfect Holiday Gift For An Old Dog

This Valentine’s, Get Closer to Her by Spoiling Her K9

Win The Key To Her Heart By Winning The Key To Her Dog’s Heart First Shopping for the perfect Valentine’s Day present can be stressful for both parties. February is the month when the pressure is on – how can you be sure that you’ll find her something she likes? Furthermore, how can you ensure [...]

This Valentine’s, Get Closer to Her by Spoiling Her K9

An Orthopedic Dog Bed Makes A Perfect Holiday Gift For Your Aging Dog

How A Mammoth Bed Can Help Your Aging Dog This Holiday Season Your dog just became a senior and that rambunctious young pup you remember taking home with you is not so energetic anymore. Her pace is slower, she spends most of her day resting, the veterinarian has detected early signs of arthritis in her [...]

An Orthopedic Dog Bed Makes A Perfect Holiday Gift For Your Aging Dog